Monday, March 23, 2009

Human Responsibility

I can start this for us.
What are we responsible for as humans?

  • Living and striving to walk the right Path
  • Our own well-being and that of our families
  • Loving our neighbors
  • Kindness, love, and service for those in need
  • Avoiding any harm of others
  • Mutual respect of others
  • Neither enacting nor allowing any form of tyranny or domination
  • Our actions - all of them
  • Peaceful resolution of conflicts whenever possible
  • Respecting and conserving our surroundings and resources
Excepting the first two, this list is not in any particular order. I can not claim to uphold all of these without fail, only that I attempt to. I am and will be accountable for them, nonetheless.

I think many of these are universal - if not all of them. Some come from the Bible, some from historic documents, and some from plain, common sense. Regardless of where or when I've learned or adopted these, I believe that humans are responsible for these things.

With responsibility should come accountability - otherwise, there is no check on whether or not things are done.
As always, I invite comments and discussion here. But remember, mutual respect...


  1. This is like a crazy hard SAT question. I'm really not sure how to answer. I'm going to have to think about this before I give my answer...

  2. How about trying to leave things in a better way than they were when you stumbled upon them?

  3. I think that is a great thought, Commish. Leaving things better than you found them should be a goal, certainly.
